Wednesday, May 9, 2012

No "poo" for me!

I started the no poo method about 3 weeks ago, and will not be going back to regular shampoo and conditioner any time in the forseeable future.  Actually my journey started a couple months ago when I ordered a shampoo bar from  etsy .  So...I was using the bar, and also began doing an ACV rinse along with it.  I was also using l'oreal  every other wash, because I wasn't really satisfied with the shampoo bar.  So I think my hair had already began transitioning before I really started no poo-ing. 

To start with, I have HARD water, so I boil 1 qt. of water for a few min. and add 1/2 cup of baking soda to it, and let it disolve.  I had an empty ACV bottle, so I just let it cool and put it in the bottle.  I keep that along with this ACV in my shower(not a gallon though). with a cup on top(I make my ACV rinse in the shower).   The baking soda water lasts  for about 4 washes. 

So here is what I do...

First off, if I feel the need to, I put a little coconut oil in my hair about an hour before I shower, and comb it through.  This does GREAT things.

Next, after I get in the shower,  I pour the baking soda mix all over my head directly onto my scalp. It will be cold!  Then I scrub my scalp with it, not worrying about the length of my hair in this step.  Just focusing on my scalp.  Then I rinse thoroughly!!!

After that I use my handy cup, and put about 2 tbs. worth of ACV and add about 2 cups of water to it.  Then I just pour it all over my whole scalp and troughout my hair.  I leave this in while I bathe.  Then  I turn the water to COOL, and rinse my hair.  The cool water will make your hair shiny. 

While your hair is wet, you will smell the vinegar, but as soon as it is dry you will not.  Once your hair gets use to it(which can take several weeks) the results will amaze you.  This is my experience anyway.  I have read that some people have more difficulty than others, getting their hair to conform.

I say it's worth a try.  If it doesn't work for you, then go back to  regular shampoo. 

It's been awhile since i've had a trim, and I can't find a split end on my head.  It really is amazing, and it saves money too! OH... and you will only need to wash your hair every 3 or 4 days.  LOVE IT!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I found your post via Pinterest. I'm on week 2 of no poo and I feel like a greasy mess. My roots are actually okay, it's my ends that are frustrating me. I'm also dealing with some static, which I think means my ends are dry. Your hair looks amazing and is my inspiration to keep going!
